VÁ PENSIERO. STORIE AMBULANTI – Watch the video of the night

Razzismo quotidiano

“Va’ pensiero” is the crossed narration of two racially based assaults in Milan and Florence and of the delicate reconstruction of the survivors’ shattered lives. The stories of the three protagonists intersect while they tell their dramatic life experiences. In spite of everything, they hope that they will still be able to live in Italy, although they constantly fear that one single look or gesture could take their mind back to the aggression. The director Dagmawi Yimer, an Ethiopian refugee, tells these stories of violence from the victim’s point of view.

Watch the trailer

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxbSeLLbGhE]

Scarica la scheda del film


Watch the video of the night

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDewlOXnPTs]