Crocevia di Sguardi

The festival is in its 11th year, and it comes back with an original journey dedicated to current affairs. All works focus on the topics of presence and absence. Some of the documentaries show how migration generates contact between people with different needs, mindsets and social statuses, and the dramatic changes these people undergo.

This is what happens, for instance, among asylum seekers who benefit from immigration polices and the locals, who have mixed feelings and are torn between suspicion and solidarity. Other documentaries tell stories of physical, social and psychological absence: this is the condition of the emigrated mothers or the farmers who witness new generations leaving their villages and move to big cities. A special focus, with two scheduled screenings, is dedicated to China, a country that is particularly involved in migration processes.  In a one-day workshop, “Il racconto e l’impegno civile” (Storytelling and Civil Commitment), the director Angelo Loy will talk to young people about his films. The screenings will take place not only at the usual Cinema Baretti, but also at Case del Quartiere, in some of the areas with the highest percentage of immigrants in the city.